(In a country endowed with a lot of species, many climatic regions, and archaeological cites, environment becomes a top concern of the state - a full - fledged ministry for Environment is launched to enhance tourism) Environment and Tourism Sector: Introduction: Sudan enjoys various tourist resources due to the availability of enormous natural capabilities. It is regarded as one of the richest African countries in wildlife, birds and Nile natural scenery which encourages tourism investment. The climate in Sudan is characterized by varied climatic conditions which are moderate all the year round in the Red Sea area especially in the highlands such as Erkwiet Summer Resort. The special concern being attached to the promotion of tourism in Sudan is necessitated by many factors represented in the necessity of activating domestic internal tourism, notably among the youths to familiarize with their country. Tourism activity also makes youths realize the power of Almighty Allah, thus deepening their faith in Him. It as well inculcates them with love for their country and is further considered an important economic resource as it brings foreign currency to the country. Tourism also promotes acquaintance and friendly relations with other people who are attracted to our country by its vast tourist resources. In this way, tourism plays two key roles. First it boosts Sudan's good image to the outside world, reflecting the good nature of its people, its civilization, its popular heritage and its arts. Secondly, it contributes to the boosting of popular diplomacy of the country. Sudan witnessed many successive civilizations such as those of Meroe and Kouh. The antiquities of those civilizations are still seen in many areas of the Northern State, Shendi area, Al-Bejrawia, Al-Naqa', Al-Musawarat, Merawie, karima, Al-Berkal Mountain and others. These tourist resources can generate a great revenue of foreign currency for the country if they are utilized and promoted in the best way in the international tourism markets. Such being the case, the promotion of these resources gives Sudanese citizens the opportunity to spend their vacations inside the country, a matter which reduces the negative effects resulting from traveling abroad for tourist purposes. Tourism activity started in Sudan since the dawn of independence with the country's meager resources being carefully and honestly directed to reflect Sudan's splendid tourist image to the outside world. The state, represented in the General Administration of Wildlife, embarked on the establishment of many game parks and reserves so that wild animals are well protected, bearing in mind that they are a national wealth to be treasured and passed on to the coming generations (game reserves of Nemolie, Booma, Al-Zaraf in the Southern States). Antiquities Sites and Natural Areas: Sudan is considered one of the few countries which enjoy a variety of tourism resources. These resources are represented in the Red Sea Coast which extends for more than 700 kilometers and is characterized by many tourist attractions, including diving and under-water photography, besides boat-rowing and water skiing. The Red Sea Coast enjoys many gulfs and coral reefs as the area is free from contamination which plagues many seas and tourist areas in the world. Sudan also enjoys an ancient heritage in the field of civilizations and antiquities representing a great attraction for tourists both from within and outside the country. This heritage is centred in the Northern areas including Al-Nag'a Al-Musawarat, Karima, Al-Berkal, Merowie, Dongola and others. These areas and others saw ancient civilizations proved by the remains of the pyramids and temples, with a great part of them still lying unearthed. These areas attract many experts and researchers in this field. In addition, they are considered archaeological sites not experiencing any tourist leap before despite the availability of huge resources in them. Central areas in Sudan including Sennar and Sinja contain antiquities of Al-Funj Kingdom (The Black Sultanate). The antiquities of this area bears testimony to the long and authentic history of the kingdom. There are many antiquities of the Mahdi State in east and west of Sudan and in the National Capital. These antiquities which reflect the glory and history of the Sudanese people, beside the existence of many other antiquities in other areas deserve concern to attract tourists from abroad to get acquainted with the history of the country . In East Sudan, at Sawakin area, on the Red Sea, there are great antiquities indicating the existence of a historically great period of Sudan's history. Sawakin island, for example, is considered one of the areas which witnessed urban development and unique styles of architecture. It is now regarded as one of the world's few areas in this field. There are many tourists interested in this aspect of history and who can be attracted to these sites. The state also set up Al-Dinder National Tourist Park for wildlife in the central state in 1935. This park is considered one of the greatest game reserves in Africa. It occupies a unique position north of the equator on an area of 2,470 square miles. In 1990, the Government announced the establishment of Sanganieb national marine reserve on an area of about 12 square kilometers as a first Sudanese sea reserve at the Red Sea area. The government also set up Arous Tourist Village at the Red Sea area and villages of Jemieza in the Equatorial State. Areas of games are represented in the Red Sea Hills and birds hunting at Kindy Lake in Darfur state after it had been protected against poaching. There are also game areas in South Sudan, Al-Dari Mountain, Al-Fuweir area, Al-Rugia Al-Zargha area, Talha Al-Misairi and Foanghar Mountain in Kordofan State.
THE HIGHER COUNCIL FOR ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 10488 KHARTOUM / SUDAN TELEPHONE : 784279 The Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources was established in 1992. The Council performs the following functions: 1 - Draft general policies for Natural Resources Inventories and Development to ensure the appropriate management of the resources and their conservation and sustainable use. 2 - Environment conservation in coordination with the appropriate authorities in the States. 3 - Coordinate the work of the Council Branches and all efforts in natural resources inventories and conservation and efforts for the sustainable development of the resources, monitor changes in the natural resources; specify areas subjected to depletion, desertification and pollution and decide on priorities for surveys and studies on natural resources. 4 - Make long-term plans for rational and balanced use of the natural resources and environment conservation and follow-up the execution of the plan with appropriate authorities. 5 - Periodically review legislation related to the natural resources and the environment, make sure that Laws are effective and introduce any necessary amendments to improve the Laws. 6 - Establishment of branches in the different States to help the Council in performing its responsibilities. 7 - Encourage support and coordinate scientific research in all fields of the environment and natural resources. 8 - Formulate a federal plan for environmental awareness and rational use of the natural resources and try to incorporate environmental education in school curricula. The Council is the focal point for: 1 - The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2 - Centre for Environment and Development for Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE). 3 - African Ministerial Conference for Environment. 4 - Arab Ministerial Conference for Environment. 5 - The Earth Council. Achievements: 1 - Drafted the Environmental Policy Act in collaboration with UNEP. 2 - Formulated the Guidelines for the Environmental Action Plan. 3 - Organized Workshops, Seminars.. etc in different environmental issues to disseminate environmental awareness. 4 - Ratification of International Conventions in the field of environment i.e. Biodiversity, Climate Change and International Convention to combat desertification. 5 - Participated in international conferences, seminars and workshops in the field of environment and follow-up the implementation of its recommendations in the Sudan. 6 - Prepared country reports related to different environmental issues for international conferences. 7 - Executed the Project "Strategic Planning for Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development", in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Curriculum Vitae Name : Nadir Mohammed Awad Date of Birth : 12.4.1954 Place of Birth : Omdurman, Sudan Marital Status : Married with four children Address : Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 10488, Khartoum Tel. : 784279, 779796 (office) Academic Qualifications: B.Sc. (Hon.) Botany, 1976, Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, Sudan. M.Sc. Range Science, 1982, Colorado State University, USA. Languages: Arabic: Mother Tongue English : Working Language Professional Experience: 1977-1982 Assistant Researcher, Wildlife Research Centre, Agricultural Research Corporation, Khartoum. 1982-1990 Researcher, Wildlife Research Centre, Agricultural Research Corporation, Khartoum. 1990-1994 Associate Professor, Wildlife Research Centre, Agricultural Research Corporation, Khartoum. 1994-1996 Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment and Tourism. 1996 to date Acting secretary General, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Khartoum. Academic Experience: (a) Part Time Teaching: - Parttime teaching Assistant, Botany Dept., Faculty of Science, Univ. of Khartoum, 1977-79. - Parttime teaching Assistant, Botany Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, U. of K., 1978-1980. - Parttime teaching Assistant, Botany Dept., Faculty of Education, U. of K., 1978-1980. - Parttime Lecturer, Faculty of Forestry, U. of K., 1988 to date. - Parttime Lecturer, Wild life Dept., College of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Juba, 1988-1993. - Parttime Lecturer, Faculty of Agricultural Studies, University of Gezira, 1988. - Parttime Lecturer, Ahfad University for Women, 1992. - Parttime Lecturer, Institute of Environmental Studies, U. of K., 1989 to date. (b) Courses Taught: Under-Graduate Level: - Introduction to Wild Life Management, University of Juba, Khartoum and Gezira. - Population Dynamics, University of Juba. - Ethnology, University of Juba. - Wild Life Investigation Techniques, University of Juba, - Introduction to environmental Studies, Ahfad University College. Post-Graduate Level: - Principles of Wild Life Range Management, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Khartoum (MSc) (c) Supervision of Dissertations: 1 - The Recreation Potential of the White Nile Bird Sanctuary, B.Sc. (Hon.), Wild Life, University of Juba, 1992-1993. 2 - Poaching in Western Omdurman Area, B.Sc. (Hon.), Wild Life, University of Juba, 1992-1993. 3 - The Tourism Potential of Dindir National Park, B.Sc. (Hon.), Wild Life, University of Juba, 1993-1994. Scientific Papers and Reports: - Vegetation of Dindir National Park, 1977. - The response of the Shoreline Vegetation to the Dryness of Lake Ras Amir, Dindir National Park, 1979. - Vegetation Ecosystem of the Dindir National Park, 1979. - Key to the identification of plant species in Dindir National Park 1982 - Food Habits of Roan Antelope oribi, Giraffe and Camel in Dindir National Park 1985. - Wildlife distribution and Habitats of Jebel Elba, Eastern Sudan 1989. - Wildlife distribution and Habitats of Sinkat and Erkowit Sanctuaries, Eastern Sudan 1989. - Wildlife distribution and land use of Tokar Game Reserve 1989. - Wildlife distribution and Habitats of the Red Sea Coast 1989. - Wildlife distribution and land use in the Rahad Game Reserve 1990. - Road Counts of the Wild Animals in Dindir National Park,1987, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994. - Wildlife Distribution and land use in the Sabaloga game Reserve, Khartoum State 1992. - Wildlife Distribution and Habitats of Jebel Marra, Darfur State, Western Sudan 1991. - Habitats Assessment of Dinder National Park using Remote Sensing Techniques 1992. - Wildlife Distribution in Western Omdurman Area, 1992. - Wildlife Distribution and Habitats of Jebel Hassania, Bayoda Desert, the Northern State, 1992. - Wildlife Distribution and Habitats of Jebel Marra, Darfur State, Western Sudan, 1992. - Habitat Assessment of Dindir National Park Using Remote Sensing Techniques, 1993. Training Courses: 1 - Environmental Conservation Training, Jordan, two months, 1978. 2 - Training on Micro-histological Techniques, Colorado State University, USA, (Six months), 1981. 3 - Organizational Management Training, Khartoum, two weeks, 1989. 4 - Introduction to Remote Sensing Technique, Khartoum, (Two weeks), 1991. Professional Affiliations: Member of : 1 - Sudanese Environment Conservation Society, 1977, -to date. 2 - Sudanese Development associated 1991 - to date. 3 - Environmentalists society, 1990 - to date. 4 - Executive Committee, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society 1977 - to date. 5 - "Technical Committee" of the National Committee for the Environment, National Council for Research, Khartoum 1988-1992. 6 - Committee of "Man and the Biosphere , National UNESCO Committee, Khartoum 1990-1992. 7 - National Committee for Plants Genetic Resources, Wad Medani 1991 - to date. 8 - Coordination Council for the National Drought and Desertification Control and Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Animal Wealth, Kharotum 1991 - to date. 9 - Steering Committee of the Environment Committee, in the conference of the National Comprehensive Strategy, Khartoum 1991. 10 - Steering Committee of the Islamic University UNESCO Water Resources Chair. 11 - General Secretary, Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society 1978 - 1980. 12 - Secretary of Branches, Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society 1992-to date. Participation in Conferences and Workshops: The International Range Land Conference, Colorado, Florida, USA, 1986. Paper Presented : "Food Habits of Toan Antelop Oribi, Giraffe and Camel in Dindir National Park, Sudan". The Red Sea Area Programme (RESAP) Annual Workshop, Sinkat, Sudan, 1991. Paper Presented : "The Distribution of Wildlife in the Red Sea Region, Sudan". The National Comprehensive Strategy Conference, Khartoum, 1991. New Paradigms in Pastoral Management Workshop, UNSO, Arusha, Tanzania, Dec. 1993. Roselt or Long Term Ecological Monitoring, The Observatory of the Sahara Desert (SSO) Workshop, Rabat, Morocco, 1994. National Committee for Plants Genetic Resources Workshop, Wad Medani, Sudan, 1992, Paper Presented : "Utilization and Conservation of Non-crop Plants in the Sudan". Natural Resources of Darfur State, University of Darfur (Sudan) and University of Byreouth (Germany) Joint Workshop, Paper Presented: "Wildlife Conservation in Darfur State". IGADD Case Study Workshop on Desertification, IGADD Sub-regional Workshop Khartoum, 27-30 Sept. 1994. National Workshop on Desertification, (Financed by IGADD) Khartoum, 1994. Information Awareness Days and Sudan Five Year Programme on Desertification, Financed by INCD, Khartoum, 5-7 July, 1995. National Action Programmes for Desertification Workshop, Capacity 21 and UNSO, Nairobi, April, 1995. Conference of the Parties to the Biological Diversity Convention, The Bahamas, November 27th - December 9th 1994. Environmental Awareness Activities: Supervision and coordination of more than15 seminars and workshops in Khartoum and other parts of Sudan dealing with different environmental issues including desertification, wildlife deterioration, environmental health education... etc. 1986-1996. Gave more than 20 public lectures in Kharotum and other parts of Sudan addressing the issues of natural resource depletion, environmental education, desertification and land use conflicts. Constancy and Professional Activities: - Environmental Impact Assessment of the Displaced Population Relocation Project in Um Chack, Kordofan State, for CARE International, 1990. - Team leader, Study of "Dindir National Park Indigenous Population: the case of Magno population", for the Sudanese Development Association (SDA), 1992. -The Environmental Impacts of Aerial Pesticides Spraying on Khartoum State, a study for The Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society (SECS), 1992. - Sudan : Case Study of the Bio-diversity Sector, IGADD Regional Studies, 1993. - Team Leader, The Wildlife Distribution in Northern Sudan Study Project, for Ford Foundation, 1989-1996.
ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM MINISTRY General Policies of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism: 1 - Adopting proper methods for rationalizing exploitation of natural resources. 2 - Realizing a sustainable development that goes harmoniously with the efforts aiming at preserving the environment and natural resources. 3 - Setting up a comprehensive plan for scientific research in all fields of environment and tourism. 4 - Issuing of an environmental legislation covering all basic principles and policies for environment preservation. 5 - Rehabilitating the environment in the south and the war-affected museums, besides rehabilitating the areas affected by drought and environment deterioration in collaboration with the authorities concerned. 6 - Fulfilling Sudan's commitments to the international agreements and organizations operating in the fields of the ministry's works. 7 - Attaching concern to cadres' training and finding specialized training opportunities for them inside the country. 8 - Encouraging establishment of the voluntary organizations and societies in the field of environment, besides encouraging the internal tourism. 9 - Attracting the international tourism movement. 10 - Conducting environment and tourist surveys. 11 - Developing Jabal Marra area as a model tourist area. 12 - Allocating new natural reserves. 13 - Including the subject of tourism and hotelry in the high school syllabus. 14 - Establishing general and specialized museums. 15 - Encouraging the project of Kharotum State's new zoo. 16 - Boosting the tourism sector's contribution to the national economy, and realizing tangible foreign exchange revenues. 17 - Providing additional hotel places at the tourist sites at the various levels. 18 - Boosting internal tourism movement to realize national unity and integrity. 19 - Rationalizing exploitation of natural resources and promoting the environmental awareness at all levels in coordination with the other concerned bodies. 20 - Attaching concern to the country's antiquities and the national heritage besides establishing museums and developing them. 21 - Providing more accommodation facilities and integrated services including transport and communication facilities that cope with the expected increase in the number of tourists. 22 - Utilizing the country's natural resources, historical sites and cultural diversity for realizing a leap in tourism industry. Strategic Objectives: 1- Preserving and developing the environment, besides controlling the environmental hazards. 2- Stopping deterioration of the environment and rehabilitating it. 3- Preserving the ecological balance and eco-systems. 4- Promoting the tourism sector and boosting its infrastructures. 5- Promoting investment in tourism and attracting national and foreign capital. 6- Developing the institutions working in the fields of environment and tourism. 7- Developing the wildlife resources and utilizing them within a framework of sustainable development. 8- Promoting relations with states, institutions and the internal organizations in the fields environment and tourism. 9- Increasing the tourism sector's contribution to the national economy. Tasks: (1) Formulating general policies, plans and programmes of development and improvement in the fields of environment, tourism, antiquities, museums and wildlife. (2) Supervising the units operating in the fields of environment, tourism, museums and wildlife. (3) Maintaining coordination with the other concerned bodies in the federal and state governments in line with the above mentioned tasks and in accordance with the programmes included in the strategic plans. The Ministry has embarked on implementation of these tasks, a matter which is reflected in the achievements it has realized in the fields of environment, tourism, boosting of infrastructures, wildlife and antiquities. Tourist Attractions in Sudan: 1 - Tourist Attractions in Eastern Sudan: The Red Sea: (a) The Red Sea is considered one of the world's purest seas. Its length is 700 kms and it has one of the most distinguished and rich coast as concerns diving, fishing and under-water photography sports, where the sites are still virgin and rich with tourism attractions. Accommodation: Arous village is considered the only tourism village along the Sudanese coast and there is also Arkawit tourism resort. Arkawit is the east's paradise with its beautiful hills and fertile valley, mild climate and fascinating nature and it is a summer-winter tourist resort. Of the very distinguished landworks is also the Tomb of the East's Emir Osman Digna of the Mahdist Revolution. This is besides the archaeological city of Sawaking and Osman Digna Harbour - this historical city which occupies a space in the conscience of the Sudanese people and the Sudanese legendary realm. There is also Sengabnieb Island which is the best site for practicing diving and under-water photography. (b) The wildlife in eastern Sudan is very rich as for the diversive environment of the east, where there are the jungle and desert animals. (c) The captivating nature of Kassala area including mountains and fascinating green landscape, particularly during the flood season of Al-Gash River which represents a wedding for Kassala town. (d) The camel race in Wadi-Al-Lasoub in Kassala area is considered as a season in which the Sudanese people from all parts of the country are gathered and also attended by our Arab brothers of the Gulf countries. (e) The local cultures of the various Beja tribes, their uniforms and folklore. 2 - The Tourist Attractions in Northern Sudan: (a) The archaeological sites which extends along the bank of the Nile and which represent the old Nubian Kingdoms (Karma Kingdom which represents the oldest civilization in the Nile Valley and Africa). (b) The extending desert with its games and adventure tourism. (c) The local cultures (Nubian and Arab) and folklore-heritage. 3 - The Tourist Attractions in the Centre and South of the Blue Nile: a) The archaeological sites in old Sennar and the history of this great area. b) Dindir Park. c) The natural areas in the south of the Blue Nile. d) The local cultures (Arab, Amatung, Angasanna and Al-Maban) folklore, heritage and languages 4 - The Tourist Attractions in Western Sudan: a) Jabal Marra which is considered a model tourist area, which rises to 3000 feet above the sea level. b) The cultural diversity of (Arabs, Fur, Nuba and the African tribes). c) Al-Radoum Reserve in South Darfur State. d) Some woodlands like Al-Ban Jadeed forest in Al-Obied. e) The diversity of Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan State. f) The rich wildlife and varied animal resources. 5 - The Tourist Attractions in Southern Sudan: a) The cultural heritage and tribal diversity along with dresses, languages, traditions, customs and heritage. b) The captivating nature and the vast natural jungles. c) Vast water surfaces. d) Rich wildlife and the South's possession of rare animals.
National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums Address: National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums, P.O. Box 178 Kharotum, The Republic of Sudan. Tel. No. 780935 and 777149 The National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums is the government institution which is responsible of the antiquities' excavation and protection, displaying of the national cultural heritage at its museums and the internal and external exhibitions. The Corporation cooperates with more than 25 foreign missions which are undertaking archaeological researches in a number of sites in Sudan in accordance with licences issued by the Corporation's administration. The Corporation welcomes researchers from all parts of the world to contribute unearthing the antiquities and history of the Sudan according to the archaeological research's necessary scientific, technical and financial terms. The Corporation supervise thousands of archaeological sites coutnrywide, more than 30 of which are constituting important sites for the cultural tourism, including the following: 1 - Al-Nag'a Site: This site lies 170 kms north-east of Khartoum and includes a number of temples which are built of the Nubian sandstone and decorated with the religious paintings, in addition to the remains of a town and a cemetry which has not been excavated yet. The site dates back to the Meroitic period and much of its existing buildings date back to the first century B.C. and first century A.D. 2 - Al-Musawarat Al-Sufra: It lies 20 kms north of the previous site and includes a group of temples from the same Meroitic period. 3 - Old Meroe: It Lies in Kaboshiya area, and it is the capital of Meroitic Kingdom (4 century B.C. - 4 century A.D.) and includes the remains of old Meroe town with its temples, mansions, baths and three groups of pyramids in which the kings and nobles of Meroitic Kingdom were buried. 4 - Jabal Al-Barkal: It lies near the 4th cataract. It is the capital of Napata Kingdom (9th century B.C. - 4th century A.D.). It includes remains of temples, mansions and pyramids. 5 - Al-Kuru: It lies 24 kms from jabal Al-Barkal and includes graves that are dug inside the stones and coloured with fascinating paintings, where the first kings of Napata, some of whom ruled Egypt in what was known as the 25th Dynasty, where buried. 6 - Nuri: It lies at the other bank of the Nile and opposite to Jabel Al-Barkal, and includes a number of Napata Kings' pyramids. 7 - New Merawe: It lies on the same bank of the Nile, 15 kms away from Nuri, and includes temples from Napata period, besides remains of a town and cemetary of the same era. 8 - Al-Ghazali: It is an oasis in the desert near New Merawe and includes remains of an abbey and a church which date back to the Christian era. 9 - Al-Zuma: It is near Al-Kuru with graves from the era that followed Meroitic period. 10 - Kajabi and Aldati: Near Al-Kuru with remains of fortifications from the Islamic period. 11 - Old Dongola: It is the capital of the Christian Maghura Kingdom (7th - 14th century A.D.) and includes remains of churches, houses, abbeys, cemetry and an old mosque which was originally a Christian building. 12 - Al-Kawa: It lies on the other bank of the Nile, to the east of new Dongola and includes remains of temples form the periods of the modern Egyptian Kingdom, Napata and Meroe. 13 - Tabu: It lies on Argo Island and has temples and buildings from Napata and Meroe periods. 14 - Karma: It is located 30 kms south of the 3rd cataract and capital of the Sudanese Karma Kingdom (2500 - 1500 B.C.). It includes high rising buildings of unbaked bricks and the remains of one of the oldest African towns known by the name Duffufa.. 15 - Tumbuss: It is at the 3rd cataract with pharohnic texts writen on the cataract stones, besides a statue which is still laying on its natural place at the quarry. 16 - Sisbi: It has a temple and remains of a Pharohnic town from the modern Egyptian Kingdom. 17 - Soleb: It contains a temple and the remains of buildings from the modern Egyptian Kingdom. 18 - Sadeenga: It contains a pharohnic temple and graves from Napata and Meroe periods. 19 - Sai Island: It lies to the south of the 2nd cataract and includes antiquities from all the periods of Sudan's history since the stone age till the Ottomanic era. 20 - Sawakin: Sawakin town is on the Red Seas coast and it is Sudan's oldest harbour which is including fascinating models of rare Islamic architecture. * * * * * The Corporation is currently running the following Museums: 1- Sudan National Museum in Khartoum, an antiquities museum which shows the history of Sudan from the Stone Ages to the Islamic period. 2- Sudan National Ethnography Museum in Khartoum, which reflects the cultural and ethnographic diversity of Sudan's various tribes. 3- Al-Khalifa House Museum in Omdurman. It was the house of Imam Al-Mahdi's Khalifa and reflects the antiquities of the Mahdist Revolution's period in Sudan (1882 - 1898). 4- Sultan Ali Dinar's Museum in Al-Fashir, North Darfur State, It is a palace of one of the Mahdist leaders who survived Karari Battle in 1898 and who founded an Islamic State in Western Sudan that remained till 1916. 5- Sheikan Museum in El-Obied, capital of North Kordofan State. In addition to all the above mentioned, the Corporation organizes a number of internal and external exhibitions, the most important of which is the current one (The Sudan: Civilizations on the Nile) which is touring Europe for two years as follows: 1 - Munich - Germany Oct. 2, 1996 - January 5, 1997. 2 - Arab World Institute, paris - France, Feb. 5, Aug- 31, 1997. 3 - Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Sept. 30, 1997 - Feb. 1, 1998. 4 - France, Feb. 20 - May 23, 1998. 5 - Germany, June 14 - Sept. 20, 1998. There is a catalogue accompanying the exhibition published in German,French, and English and soon will be published in Dutch and Arabic languages.
C.V. of the Director General of the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (1) Hassan Hussein Idris. (2) Bachelor of Arts in Antiquities and History, University of Khartoum, 1976. (3) Information and Documentation Diploma - Extra-mural Studies Institute - University of Khartoum, 1977. (4) On April 6, 1977, he was employed at the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums as Museum Assistant Secretary. (5) A two-month Museums course in Iraq 1981. (6) Master Degree in Museums Sciences - Lister University - Lister, U.K. 1990. (7) Director of Museums Administration 1990. (8) Executive Director of the National Corporation for Antiquities Museums, Scale (1) May 1991. (9) In November 1994 was assigned Director General of the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums. Societies membership: 1 - Member of the Sudanese Antiquities Society. 2 - Member of the National Sudanese Antiquities Society. 3 - Member of the Sudanese-British Antiquities Society. 4 - Member of the Sudanese-German Antiquities Society. 5 - Member of the Arab Museums Union. 6 - Member of the International Museums Union. 7 - Member of the Nubian Studies Society. 8 - Member of the Meroitic Studies Society. 9 - Member of the Sudanese Society for Environment prevention. 10 - Member of the Board of Directors of the National Corporation for Culture and Arts. 11 - Member of the High Committee for Establishing the Military Museum. 12 - Acting Chairman of the Higher Committee for Establishing the Railway Museums. 13 - Member of the Sudanese Stamps Committee. |